Student Enrollment Details

Students on the Rolls of the Institution

a) Date of commencement of the current academic session 15.07.2021
b) Last date fixed by the affiliating body for admission 26.10.2021
c) Date of last admission made in the institution18.11.2021
d) Mode of selection of students Selected by State Government
e) Whether entrance test is conducted by the Institution/affiliating body/State Govt NO
f) Total No. of students enrolled in the academic session2019-20=100

Category-wise distribution of students

Programme No. of Male Students No. of Female Students No. of students enrolled in SC Category No. Students enrolled in ST Category No. of students enrolled in OBC Category No. of students enrolled in Unreserved Category Total Students in Programme
B.Ed. 2019-20 21 79 16 23 21 40100
B.Ed. 2020-2138 61 18 21 14 46 99

No. of students in each Pedagogy Subject

Programme Pedagogy Subjects Number of Students Enrolled
B. Ed. 2020-21 English 15
Hindi 28
Social Science 31
Mathematics 26
Physical Science 49
Biology 22
Commerce 15
Economic 1